Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Is La Roux A Male Or Female

Product Development Philosophy - Micheal Cusumano, Synchronize-and-Stabilize e dintorni ...

Tratto da Microsoft Secret's - Michael Cusumano

Product Development Philosophy : How to coordinate the work of a large team building many interdependent components that are continually changing requires a constant and high level of communication and coordination.

It is difficult to ensure that this communication and coordination take place while still allowing designers, engineers, and marketing people the freedom to be creative. Achieving this balance is perhaps the central dilemma that managers of product development face -- in Microsoft as well as in companies from many other industries.

Dave Maritz , a former tank commander in the Israeli army who headed the MS-DOS/Windows testing group, commented on how he and other Microsoft managers try to impose only enough direction and iron-clad rules so that individuals and teams can work together toward the common goal of getting a new product out the door:

" In the military, when I was in tank warfare and I was actually fighting in tanks, there was nothing more soothing than people constantly hearing their commander's voice come across the airwaves. Somebody's in charge, even though all shit is breaking loose.... When you don't hear [the commander's voice] for more than fifteen minutes to half an hour, what's happened? Has he been shot? Has he gone out of control? Does he know what's going on? You worry.
And this is what Microsoft is.
These little offices, hidden away with the doors closed. And unless you have this constant voice of authority going across the e-mail the whole time, it doesn't work.
Everything that I do here I learned in the military....
You can't do anything that's complex unless you have structure.. .
And what you have to do is make that structure as unseen as possible and build up this image for All These first Donnas to think That They Can Do What They Like.
Who cares if a guy walks around without shoes all day? Who cares if the guy has got His teddy bear in his office? I do not care.
I just want to know ... [If] somebody hasn't His code checked in by five o'clock. Then That guy knows that i am going to get into his office. "

Saturday, May 9, 2009

List The Decomposers Sho

RSS Feed questi sconosciuti...

Increasingly we happen to explain what are the RSS feeds and what are the potential of this simple tool.
tool that allows both to expose their content on the web is to read separately from context of their publication.

There is a video on YouTube (of which there is also an Italian version) very effective and very clear on how the RSS are revolutionizing the ways of consuming content on the web.

Navigator online is passing it by a substantially passive mode (user directs you to the news) to a rather active (they are the news / content, and only those selected, which traveling towards the user).

The following diagram from the idea of \u200b\u200bacting as RSS.

The web is changing so rapidly the balance of power between those who produce the content (and holds the possibility of access and distribution) and the reader.

player that now is no longer taxable, but is himself an active part of the selection process and content creation.

and RSS are the opener a very low impact substantial enough for this paradigm shift in progress ... Here's the link