Sunday, March 8, 2009

El Desnudo De Lorena Erera

Web 2.0...The Machine is Us

This video is considered the Manifesto Web 2.0

It 's a video of Michael Wesh, professor of Cultural Anthropology at Kansas State University, says that in less than 5 minutes the revolution in progress.

survive and be on the edge of technology only businesses and communities that have successfully adapted to the new way to communicate and build relationships of a sentimental, commercial, political and cultural.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Molecular Biology Lab Answers

Use of SOA and Web Services Technologies for EA Migration

SlideShare Presentation of 2007 but still current. Most important, the Web Service
Often during the definition of architectural specifications is heard by members of the team's infamous phrase "let's do it with a web services! If
web services that do not fall within any type classified maybe you're deciding to use the wrong tool!

Pokemon Ruby Saved File

The Power Of Refactoring

SlideShare Presentation on the topic of code refactoring and how it is based on principles and methods that make it very different from a simple rewrite of the code.

Refactoring code is also now considered routine activities and daily practice, especially Web Technologies in the area of \u200b\u200bwhere the mode of operation is increasingly perpetual beta.

White Spot Gums On Pregnant Women

Sequoia Capital on startups and the economic downturn

SlideShare Presentation analysis on the current economic situation to a major U.S. field technologies, wearing Venture Capitalist, Sequoia Capital.
There are indications and guidelines on how to manage today's investment in technology and how and in what specific areas such investments are strongly influenced by the economy.
Sequoia Capital on startups and the Economic downturn
View more presentations from Eric Eldon . (Tags: depression recession )