Sunday, August 31, 2008

Naturalis Milia Product

2007 turnover of the major Italian operators

Here, as is tradition for the current month, the preview of the ranking of the top 10 IT companies prepared on the basis of data turnover (in million euro) in 2007 (source - Computer World Online).

an IBM 2007 Italy 1756 Italy 982
2 3 4 HP Microsoft
786 Italian 745 732
Engineering Group
5 6 7 Elsag
EDS Italy 654 565 473
8 9 Group SIA-SSB 384 10
Reply 274

It 'very interesting, even to some extent to understand the market trends, the latest figures compare with the trend of the years 2006 and 2005.

an IBM 2006 Italy 1811 Italy Accenture
2 798 3 Group
Almaviva 707
4 700 512 5 HP Italian
EDS Italy 6 499 426
Engineering Group
7 8 9
Enterprise Digital Architects 295 Atos Origin Italy
287 10 259 Value Team


an IBM 1868
Italy Accenture Italy
2 689 3 541 Almaviva
4 HP EDS Italy Italian 485 474

5 6 7
Engineering Group 388 312 Atos Origin Italy
Siemens Business Services Group 8 Italy 284 9
Enterprise Digital Architects Oracle Italy 230 10 243

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Coptic Orthodox Piano

Paradigm Information Technology and evolution towards SOA architectures WOA (Web Oriented Architecture)

It 's always interesting to observe the evolution of models with which developer, over the past decades have had to confront in the development and integration of applications and software platforms.
has passed, and after all it is, perhaps, the typical career path of those who, like myself, have spent just forty, from structured programming to object oriented programming .
remember (fondly!) The mythical Fortran 77, learned at university, which was "turning" on a UNIVAC 1100 in punched cards!
Paradigm Shift "revolutionary", on this programming mode, not all of our generation have also, in fact, done!
And speaking of memories we recall, even today, the efforts of individuals, as a tutor towards colleagues 'senior', COBOL, DOC, however, exceptional professionals, to convince them that the handling of a class, object, concepts of instances of classes, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism then would lead them to be masters of modern programming languages \u200b\u200band would make them, at least for certain types of applications and many considerably more productive.
remember well the questioning looks of some of those colleagues, for which the paradigm shift did not happen ...
That attitude there is often, even today, what was the next hop, and as many industry analysts rightly point out, for many organizations is still not done, or done in a very superficial and incomplete. As they say
very effectively the Anglo-Saxons:

"SOA is not working in Most organizations."

And these organizations, in which the SOA paradigms will not be approved or, perhaps, are the first level of integration, SOA, have one destiny on the horizon ...

will inevitably be far away, with heavy gap to be recovered from a stage, Instead, for many structures "enlightened" is already underway.
The Web Oriented Era.
phase and the subsequent architectural paradigms Service Oriented Architecture, in some ways already obsolete! The architecture was
WOA, Web Oriented Architecture
... Where the interaction, interoperability is and will be between all the generic resources ( Resources) and the engine mashup .
Engine Where are the core systems of interaction ...
Possibly workflow queues and aggregation / content transformation (Whether date - exposed via Web Services - or content - managed by feed RSS / RDF compliant !).
One of the most representative patterns of evolution in action is the figure below, which we owe to one of the top "gurus" and observers of the ongoing revolution, Dion Hinchcliffe.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

How Long Does Mayonnaise Packetslast

Web 2.0 and the Gartner Hype Cycle 2008

Among the technologies examined by experts from Gartner, one in particular has already achieved a degree of maturity that it now considered close to the final statement:

- Web 2.0

"The concepts of Web 2.0 has been adopted enthusiastically by the market consumer - according to analysts at Gartner - and this, as has already happened to other models and technologies will be a powerful driver for their dissemination within companies, where they are, however, already generated considerable interest.

One of the basic principles of Web 2.0 is the fact that through collaboration tools and applications such as:

- Blog
Wiki - Social Network
- Content tagging
- Mashup Tools

which undoubtedly foster collaboration participatory and are thus able, when properly applied, a significant improvement productivity among employees.

These instruments will ensure that within a few years might actually open up a new era characterized by the IT systems, applications and processes participant-driven. "

How To Nake Your Voice Sweet

Gartner Hype Cycle 2008

E 'was recently published on the Gartner Hype Cycle 2008 ... Below is a statement of their analysis and predictions on emerging technologies ... the entire document (40 p.. approx.) can be purchased on Gartner's website, , at a cost of $ 1995 ...

The model structure is usually the tables Gartner and passes for the following five phases:

On the Rise - l’Invenzione (Technology Trigger)
Erasable Paper Printing Systems
Context Delivery Architecture
Behavioral Economics
Mobile Robots
Augmented Reality
Surface Computers
Cloud Computing
3-D Printing

At the Peak - la Sopravvalutazione (Peak of Inflated Expectations)
Green IT
Social Computing Platforms
Video Telepresence

Sliding Into the Trough - la Disillusione (Trough of Disillusionment)
Solid-State Drives
Public Virtual Worlds
Web 2.0
Service-Oriented Business Applications
Virtual Assistants
RFID (Case/Pallet)
Corporate Blogging
Idea Management
Social Network Analysis
Electronic Paper

Climbing the Slope - la Riprogettazione (Slope of Enlightenment)
Tablet PC
Location-Aware Applications

Entering the Plateau - la definitiva Affermazione (Plateau of Profitability)
Basic Web Services

Figure 1. Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2008

[Gartner Highlights 27 Technologies in the 2008 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies

Green IT to Gain Momentum Through 2009, Driven by Concerns of Climate Change and Opportunities to Save Costs Through Energy Efficiency

Egham, UK, August 11, 2008 — Gartner, Inc. has identified 27 emerging technologies and predicts that eight of these will have a transformational business impact and should be strongly considered for adoption by technology planners in the next 10 years, according to the report "Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2008."

"Although Web 2.0 is now entering the Trough of Disillusionment, it will emerge within two years to have transformational impact, as companies steadily gain more experience and success with both the technologies and the cultural implications," said Jackie Fenn, vice president and Gartner Fellow. "Later — in between two and five years — cloud computing and service-oriented architecture (SOA), which is moving up the Slope of Enlightenment, will deliver transformation in terms of driving deep changes in the role and capabilities of IT.
Finally, public virtual worlds, which are suffering from disillusionment after their peak of hype in 2007, will in the long term represent an important media channel to support and build broader communities of interest."
Technologies and trends at or around the peak of the Hype Cycle in 2008 (see Figure 1) that will reach the plateau in two to five years are:

Green IT — Along with broader societal pressure for environmentally sustainable solutions, IT has the opportunity — and in many cases, a requirement — to improve the "greenness" of its own activities, as well as to contribute to broader company and industry environmental initiatives.

Cloud computing — As companies seek to consume their IT services in the most cost-effective way, interest is growing in drawing a broad range of services (for example, computational power, storage and business applications) from the "cloud," rather than from on-premises equipment. Many types of technology providers are aligning themselves with this trend, with the result that confusion and hype will continue for at least another year before distinct submarkets and market leaders emerge.

Social computing platforms — Following the phenomenal success of consumer-oriented social networking sites, such as MySpace and Facebook, companies are examining the role that these sites, or their enterprise-grade equivalents, will play in future collaboration environments. The scope is also expanding to incorporate the notion of social "platforms," or environments for a broad range of developers to build on the basic application.

Video telepresence — High-end videoconferencing systems (for example, from HP, Cisco, Teliris and others) that utilize large, high-definition (HD) displays and components to show life-size images of participants in meeting rooms or suites have proven significantly more effective than earlier generations of videoconferencing technology in providing a strong sense of in-room presence between remote participants. High cost is currently the barrier to broader adoption.

Microblogging — Pioneered by Twitter (although other services such as FriendFeed or Plurk are also available), microblogging is a relatively new addition to the world of social networking, in which contributors post a stream of very short messages (fewer than 140 characters) providing information about their current activity or thoughts, which can then be subscribed to by others. The phenomenon has caught on among certain online communities, and leading-edge companies are investigating its role in enhancing other social media and channels.]

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sample Letter To Do A Community Service

Web Widgets

The dream of every publisher is to "write once" and then publish all the content on various websites, portals and / or web application simultaneously.
This is a long time is possible thanks to RSS (which is a subset of the RDF Semantic Web ... we are full!) And continues to grow and spread, now "viral" web widget of .
Publish any type of content through one or more RSS feeds is one of the strategic choices that can allow online publishers to substantially increase the range of distribution of its content.
addition web widget Based on RSS, are, in fact, and increasingly, an asset, not only to increase exposure and visibility of content, but also to be able to monetize, and then derive profits from what has been published.
2008 is considered the watershed year for the major online publishers and we expect to see new tools that will enable publishers and their readers to package and deliver content in many different ways.
The methods to be able to grasp the best opportunities in this unexplored field can also be identified by the following cardinal rules of Fred Wilson , industry gurus:
1 - Microchunk it - Reduce the content to the ITS Simplest form.
2 - Free it - Put it out there without walls around it or strings on it.
3 - Syndicate it - Let anyone take it and run with it.
4 - Monetize it - Put the monetization and tracking systems into the microchunk

1 - Making "microchunking" - Make the content structure as simple as possible.
2 - Free content - Publish all without putting constraints or rules to the content.
3 - Click "syndication" - Allow anyone who wants to take the content and republish them as best he sees fit.
4 - Monetize content - Structuring systems "tracking" and subsequent monetization for content published.

I web widget is a fundamental tool to make tracking and syndication of online content.
Industry experts also believe that they will soon become a major mode, if not probably the only one with which achieve revenues and margins in publishing online.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

How Long Does Mayonnaise Packets Last

Widget Marketing: a revolution in progress

The web is changing at a dizzying speed and an essentially passive web for "user" (Web 1.0) are now turning into a Web "collaborative" (Web 2.0).
... and platforms of "social computing" are just one example of this ongoing revolution in the following format:

One of the keys to making the most effective ways to customize and "mashup" by the "Internet" web content is certainly the "widget".
What is a widget? The best definition is in our view the next Will Price, CEO of Widgetbox

and that 'an interesting platform for creating widget in a simple and effective. Price defines widgets as:

"Widgets are portable applications That Are user-defined, user-assembled, Consumed and independent of the source of the underlying content, commerce, and application functionality. The combination of user-control and interaction to important services Decentralized Represents an important paradigm shift in how users discover, select, and consume the best of the web. "

The market for widgets is a new and still largely untapped market ... in fact the analysis of the relationship between users on the distribution / marketing costs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe widget is, according to the directions of Will Price, the following:

"While widget penetration is at 65% of Internet users and growing, spend in the widget category in 2007 Was Less Than $ 20m, or 0.1% of the total online spend to market. "

It 'clear that when the" widget marketing "is an extremely undervalued market and in any case already assigned to a strong growth in the near future. Here, however, the full post on Techcrunch on analysis by Will Price.