Sunday, October 26, 2008

Height Of Columnation

Excerpts Chinese Affairs

The mechanism triangulated China on China deserves to be explained in detail to a method used more more, and with excellent results, by large and medium-sized Italian groups.
is something more than we have already seen in the construction of the system, Italian Style - China Made ...

... This is a rather complex, requiring the presence and establishment in China, with Italian staff, and a strong consulting assistance to correctly handle the bureaucratic steps that both the contractual and customs, as a matter first for the construction of the components is, in this case, imported from Japan via Hong Kong.
however, is a model of great strength and impact, and provide a basis for development of sales on both the Chinese domestic market than on the other neighboring Asian markets. It is based on the exploitation of maximum economic efficiency of markets and market players themselves.
It is, in this case, a small Italian company specializing in an innovative application in the footwear sector, which uses its own patent application, which sometimes sells licenses to Chinese manufacturers, along with the technology needed to use it.

.... It is in this case of a major Italian industrial group, with an established brand and well known in the world, provider of a specific component for footwear. The organization aims to create a new hub for the entire Asia-Pacific area, replicating, and improving their organizational model has already been applied United States.
The diagram on the next page (Figure 9) resembles to some passing the previous one, with a strong variation. The Company has established a great Centre of Research and Development, in coordination with the Italian Centre, develop and test new materials, products and applications for specific market.


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