Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Brown Spotting Period

blow to the Casalesi clan: made 107 arrests

the early hours of today there has been a police blitz against Caserta Camorra clan Casalesi, to make 107 arrests. Coordinated by the Central Directorate of the Police Anti-Crime, concerning the operation of the organization leaders and soldiers operating not only in Caserta and in southern Lazio, but also with national and international connections. The GdF is going to the seizure of movable and immovable property and commercial companies related to the clan for 100 mln euro.Tre alleged killer of the massacre in Castel Volturno (Caserta), in which six African immigrants were killed, Stan in their hideout in the province of Naples. And yet, arrests of members of the Casalesi clan, including the wife of the super boss Francesco Schiavone, told Sandokan. Two major operations of the police, almost simultaneously, Today marked a victory of the state, in what he called the Interior Minister, Roberto Maroni, "a day to be framed." Casale SEIZED ASSETS FOR OVER 100 MILLION anticamorra The operation last night led to the seizure of property belonging the Casalesi clan for a total value of over € 100 million. This was announced by Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, during a press conference at Palazzo Chigi. "They were seized - said the minister - 48 companies, 148 vehicles, 134 buildings and 13 horses." MARONI: Casale severe blow on "Tonight we have dealt a blow to the Casalesi clan." This was stated by Interior Minister Roberto Maroni. The minister, in conference Print at Palazzo Chigi, stressed that "all state structures have acted together." "The war against the Camorra - has said - will continue until it is won. It is the 'first major response that the state gives to the war declared by the Camorra." "This morning he called me to congratulate the Head of State". NAPOLITANO: RECOGNIZED first party "The response to the aggression of organized crime demonstrates the ability of state forces, rapid reaction and concrete." said the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano, who gave to the Prosecutor of Naples, the Chief of Police and Commanders Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza my deepest satisfaction surveys and transactions that led to the capture of prominent representatives of the clan.
From "TORRESETTE" - Tuesday 30 September 2008


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